Institutional Commodity Program

The Institutional Commodity Program trades a globally diversified portfolio of commodities and currencies seeking above average long-term growth unrelated to stocks and bonds. It is the currently available offering of the Tactical Commodity Trading Program.

Tables and chart show actual composite returns of all accounts trading the Program from inception to date, net of all fees and commissions which may vary from account to account. Please see the Disclosure Document for more information, especially regarding risks and drawdowns.

Compound Annual Returns
through June 2023
Since Inception
15.2 %
Last 15 years
10.4 %
Last 10 years
11.2 %
Last 5 years
13.9 %
Last 1 year
-11.4 %



Monthly and Annual Returns (%)
Computed on a compounded monthly basis (daily for months having additions or withdrawals)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
2023 -0.45 -3.69 -3.55 3.82 -1.78 -3.38 -8.88
2022 4.97 4.53 3.96 3.92 -2.71 -1.51 -2.65 -1.25 4.52 0.73 -5.30 1.46 10.46
2021 3.45 7.18 -6.95 8.54 3.03 -5.41 3.35 2.35 1.90 2.95 -0.80 -0.73 19.26
2020 1.32 5.32 10.42 -1.60 -1.80 -1.21 8.09 6.18 -5.45 5.30 4.45 11.77 50.03
2019 -0.85 3.78 -2.33 0.51 1.21 4.20 0.62 8.47 -6.56 -1.31 -4.25 1.25 3.97
2018 4.77 -2.27 -5.07 0.02 2.80 -0.88 -3.12 3.83 0.66 -2.28 3.56 -0.25 1.27
2017 1.98 -2.10 0.31 -0.96 -2.31 3.11 2.69 6.14 -5.41 1.90 -3.18 0.05 1.67
2016 1.48 5.40 -2.47 5.70 0.82 4.11 0.01 -6.22 -1.72 -0.60 3.33 -0.96 8.50
2015 9.53 -4.17 0.56 -3.84 -0.13 -9.09 4.38 6.99 2.27 -4.58 2.34 -2.25 0.46
2014 -1.26 2.22 0.51 5.38 -3.16 2.80 14.42 2.34 16.31 -12.78 7.99 9.92 50.07
2013 1.41 -4.79 -0.15 -3.12 0.59 -0.50 -2.25 -2.77 -4.85 -0.11 -0.11 1.29 -14.56
2012 -2.27 0.45 -5.43 1.00 -0.64 -0.71 21.17 1.22 -2.06 -5.74 -3.39 -0.16 1.02
2011 -8.39 9.45 -7.71 13.53 -15.31 -7.43 1.19 3.30 3.30 -10.52 -6.77 -0.43 -27.90
2010 -1.63 -3.23 4.88 2.26 -2.40 3.24 -0.54 -1.42 19.98 18.27 9.23 10.55 68.90
2009 0.30 -1.12 -8.39 -2.65 15.67 -3.40 5.33 10.29 -1.99 -1.49 10.46 -1.98 20.00
2008 8.09 21.39 -7.18 0.14 2.05 6.78 -12.30 -1.64 -1.15 26.62 1.38 1.98 48.35
2007 -6.33 -1.68 -7.15 8.58 -0.61 6.76 -1.66 -10.49 26.03 3.69 -7.52 1.91 6.84
2006 16.31 -6.10 6.94 15.83 1.00 -2.61 -10.06 4.52 -4.15 -0.28 8.02 -3.79 24.26
2005 -4.20 1.12 -3.78 -3.03 4.16 -0.47 -3.80 6.90 0.71 -4.01 9.14 5.22 6.98
2004 4.51 14.38 1.44 -18.94 -7.83 -7.31 6.49 -3.17 5.98 4.00 12.75 0.39 8.04
2003 10.47 9.08 -7.41 4.31 6.11 -6.42 -7.00 0.34 1.71 12.69 -2.04 6.75 29.26
2002 -5.52 0.90 -0.43 -3.55 9.82 9.78 3.65 4.48 3.59 -3.01 2.27 9.58 34.58
2001 -1.79 2.46 13.89 -7.74 3.04 3.61 -3.37 1.99 5.29 8.13 -9.62 1.55 16.26
2000 3.82 -0.18 -4.05 1.34 8.37 -3.59 -1.20 3.46 -1.01 4.57 9.67 8.64 32.74
1999 -9.34 1.84 -7.46 3.90 -8.46 -1.69 0.75 2.46 4.66 -12.91 2.85 3.21 -20.21
1998 -1.04 -3.36 -1.72 -3.55 3.27 4.67 -0.84 16.37 -1.51 -1.66 -5.15 8.74 12.97
1997 9.12 8.51 -1.67 -4.86 6.84 -9.36 12.24 3.86 4.03 -2.05 0.13 3.93 32.59
1996 -6.84 -3.29 4.35 26.14 -5.15 0.52 -6.38 4.17 7.35 8.53 8.96 -6.33 31.11
1995 -5.92 1.62 12.88 5.32 11.17 0.33 -5.94 -4.53 -2.33 1.62 5.25 26.28 50.17
1994 -10.55 -11.64 0.83 0.23 8.46 2.69 -3.59 -5.64 3.48 2.70 12.71 2.78 -0.36
1993       1.75 5.47 3.10 13.16 4.84 -6.22 -3.53 4.13 3.49 28.00

Investing with Tactical is designed for sophisticated investors who are able to bear a substantial or entire loss of their investment. Before seeking this advisor's services read and examine thoroughly the Disclosure Document.